The members of the Chilterns Association of Camera Clubs (CACC) are photographic clubs in our part of the UK. In turn, CACC is a member federation of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB). The conditions of club membership of CACC ensure that all clubs are affiliated to the PAGB.
This membership structure is not a management hierarchy. Clubs, federations and the PAGB are each separately autonomous and manage their own activities except where they agree to co-ordinate together.
The benefits to clubs of membership of CACC and of affiliation to PAGB can be summarised as access to services.
- Provision of contact and administrative information for clubs.
- Access to the PAGB Speakers register showing judges and lecturers prepared to visit clubs and contribute to their programmes.
- Recruitment and training of volunteer judges.
- Standard terms for booking judges and lecturers.
- Access to the PAGB Recorded Lecture Service.
- Ability to enter CACC and PAGB competitions and exhibitions which may be offered to clubs or to individual members of clubs.
- Ability for individual members of clubs to apply for PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit.
- Ability for individual members of clubs to apply for Distinctions from the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP).
- Access for clubs to public liability and other insurance policies negotiated by the PAGB to apply particularly to club activities.