How to Join

A Welcome to new Clubs

The Chilterns Association (CACC) is a regional federation of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB), with a wealth of experience and information available to help new Clubs. We aim to find ways of helping a new Club become established within the CACC rather than finding reasons for excluding them.

CACC Constitution, 5: “Applications for membership of the Association are welcomed from photographic clubs and societies with a membership of six or more and holding regular meetings within the boundaries of the Association.”

The Committee wishes to know that Clubs can contribute effectively as Association members, through being active in photography, being open to all, and being well managed. Neither CACC or PAGB seek to specify or interfere in the internal management of member/affiliated Clubs.

CACC rules mean that PAGB affiliation is normally automatic for member Clubs. Clubs which are near a Federation boundary may opt to belong to two Federations. In that case, they must agree which Federation to use for PAGB affiliation. That decision must be known to both Federations, and also determines through which Federation any access is made to PAGB events and services.

How to Join

To apply for membership, an appropriate officer of the Club should write to the Association Secretary (see Committee page). It would help the Committee if you would cover the following topics in your letter/email:

  • Your Club name
  • Your contact details for correspondence
  • Your Club venue (CACC covers a declared area alhough there is some flexibility)
  • Your general aims as a Club
  • Who can join your Club
  • Your membership
  • How often you meet (Six meetings per year might be considered a minimum)
  • How your Club is managed
  • If your Club already a member of another PAGB Federation (See the note about multiple Federation membership)

Clubs which belong to the Association:

  • Receive contact lists for member Clubs
  • Participate in Association affairs eg, via the AGM and by nominating members for the Committee
  • Can enter CACC events, as listed in the Yearbook and shown on the web site
  • (*) Can access the PAGB register of speakers who volunteer to contribute to Club programmes
  • (*) Can access PAGB events and the PAGB Awards scheme for members
  • (*) Can access the PAGB negotiated insurance policies for Public Liability, Management Liability and All Risks (equipment)

(*) These services require PAGB affiliation via CACC.

The cost of membership is met by paying the annual subscription. Renewal is at 1st January.